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im so glad i found this game!! love the character designs as well as the background arts and the music as well, and the writing too!! so many things making sense in the end and clicking as i go. im so confused as to how i never found this before but im so happy i did

the demo was really amazing, hooked me from the start and left me wanting more in the end, i cant wait to play this when its completely out. thank you for making an amazing game! :D 

Thank you so much for playing! And we're super happy you enjoyed this demo <3

Our team will be working hard to bring out the final release!


Hi, so I just wanted to let you know that I came across someone who uploaded the demo of this game and made it available for download?  I know it's not theirs, so I wanted to make you aware of it.

Thank you very much for letting us know! We'll go ahead and report the page.


You're welcome, I can't stand it when people do that sort of thing.


when will the full version of the royal order be released?

Cause I just simply LOVED the demo!!

And the thrill at the end-

I'm so excited >w<

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed <3

The full release is planned for the end of 2023, with an updated demo coming this year! :D

(1 edit) (+2)

the end of 2023- crying...i am excited for the demo


oh my gosh, the demo is simply amazing!!! the art is gorgeous, the story is well-written, I love the stats part of the game....and (mini spoilers)

i love the plot twist for the MC!!! i literally got chills at the end of the demo...anyways, I can't wait for this game to be finished! definitely adding on my to-buy-list once it's all done :D


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed <3


I hope this sequel will have more romance scenes and interactions than the previous Royal Alchemist. I mean, it's the main reason we come to otome games right? The otome without good story-driven is not a good otome, but an otome with lacking romance is not different from other visual novel as well.


Oh I agree! I hope this sequel show improve and take consideration of the last game criticism because as much I like the storyline, I'm still expecting romance because of the tags 


I think the demo is only the first sixth, or as bit less, of the game. So there's plenty of time for more romantic-like scenes. I prefer a slow/slower burn like these. It comes off as more meaningful & makes me feel much more emotionally invested.


Such a great demo! I also wish Nerifiel was an option too. I hope you will include him if you plan other paid routes after release :D


I'm screaming?? Neri's not an option and that cliffhanger has me ;.; My wallet will be ready when the game comes out. Are there any other preorder bonuses planned?


Thank you for playing!

For all our supporters who pre-order the game, aside of the wallpaper pack that's already present, we will release a spoiler-free supporter mini-guide that contains rough information about stats checks you can expect in the game :D


i love this so much <3 im kinda sad i wont be able to get the full version cuz im broke, but one day i hopefully will lol.


well you still have time to save money tho. This is just a demo the full game is said to be release at thr end of 2023


See the bright side of this, at least you won't have to pay almost 200 bucks to get it, i will.

wait i just died and then remembered this was a demo LOL i was like WHAT HAPPENED when it kicked me out


I am also curious as to when the official release will be added! I just bought/donated for the demo! 


Thank you so much for your support!

The official release is scheduled for the end of 2023, so next year :D

How much will it cost?


Cant get enough of it. When is the official release of the full version?


Thanks for playing <3

The full game is scheduled for the end of next year :D


The demo had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning then boom! I was completely speechless by the end of it. I love the plot, the characters and their interactions, and even the stats-raising part of it. It does remind me of D&D a little. Don't get me started with the chibi parts. They are so adorbs! It's been a while since I've played a game like this. It's refreshing to experience yet again, and I am so looking forward to see this in its complete form.


this legit looks really promising and cool, but there's only one problem.

I think i'm falling for Aarya

(1 edit) (+4)

Hey! I played this game and i want to say that game is worth my time and i'll be waiting for more! want ask if this game will be needed to purchase when will be full released

Hello and thank you! Yes, the game will costs around $28 USD on release.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey I played it and it's a great cliffhanger as I play as male Aarya and love how ge looks but what does his hair from the back looks like?

Thank you!

Both male and female Aarya have open, flowy hair from behind. They just tie up their hair on both sides a bit for practical purposes :D


this is the best demo ever ?? it's already so captivating! the art is just mesmerizing and the characters are diversified (I like Emrys's shirt uhm) The fact that we can choose what magic to level up, go to a mission or social event, and even more, is so nice ! I hope I could play the whole game in the future, I'm looking forward to it!

Thank you so much! Very glad you enjoyed <3 And yes... Emrys' best feature is surely his "shirt" :'D


how customisable are the protagonists..? are they customisable only in the sense that u can choose theirgender? -,- 

I saw your awful comment on Blackmoon Prophecy II. Fuck you.

(1 edit) (+3)

This series is like cocaine. playing it negates all other basic needs. I got the first game after playing the demo of this; that I somehow didn't notice was a demo. DAMN this is hardly a dating sim. The other elements are incredibly captivating, and I'm pretty sure I steal Aurelius' personality now and again. The way this demo ends is pure cruelty.

I foresee this series permanently changing my art style for the better. Though RoyalAlchemist's style is amazing as well, this is a significant improvement.


Thank you so much! We're super happy you are enjoying both of our games in these series <3

(2 edits) (+1)

I really enjoyed this game! Definitely will keep an eye out on it when it is released. Is there an approximate release date? I'll definitely check out Royal Alchemist since I enjoyed this game. Also, will Neri be a LI?

Thank you so much!

The full release is estimated to be in December 2023, with an Extended Demo coming up in a little over half a year :D

For now, Neri is not planned to become an LI. We will finish all currently established routes first before planning anything further.


The demo was awesome xD I love the fact that what we do can have an impact (challange mode). I did die trying a few times ngl :")


Glad you enjoyed! And congrats on surviving the challenge mode in the end :D

Finally played the demo, and already in love with the characters!

My favorite has to be the MC, don't think I ever played as someone who's such a mystery, and I love it. Among the LIs, I can't choose between the boys, I instantly gravitated towards Emrys because who doesn't love a bad boy, but Darryl is such a sweetheart you can't not love him either. Just reading the profiles, I thought you're going for similar tropes as in Royal Alchemist, but I see you've remixed them quite thoroughly, and I'm very much enchanted by them all.

Also love how you switched up the game mechanics, added the personality traits and social events! I'm still trying to understand if the personality will affect the romance routes. Also wonder what the chosen Council faction does.

Did I mention I love the easter eggs and the worldbuilding? Seeing Neri and Beringer, and mentions of Senior Alchemist Rosenkreuz, and how much you're expading the world with magical creatures and all the new countries and the Sval language and their runic magic, I'm awestruck. 

On another note, wanted to let you guys know that in v0.2, I still got an exception in week 10 on Iris's route.

And a question, there is no event popping up for me on week 7, the game goes straight from previous week's lecture or mission to the save/train/mission/etc screen. I first thought I'm missing prerequisite missions or romance points, and I've been experimenting with it, but still nothing. Is it maybe a bug, or intentionally empty, or I'm still missing the conditions?

I really can't wait to see more of this game and world! You guys are awesome. 

Thank you so much! We're happy you enjoyed playing this MC. Writing them was certainly challenging for our writing team :D

We will check the bug report on week 10! Somehow, a few people seem to still get it...

As for the empty week, it was supposed to be that way. We will add a new event there for the Extended Demo planned for next year :D


I've played Royal Alchemist so I had high expectations to begin with, but you blew them right out of the water! I love the art and the characters and I can't wait to learn more about the awesome world you've created. Keep up the hard work!

Thank you so much! We'll be trying our best >w<)9

(1 edit) (+1)

cool game man i just donated by the kickstarter

Thank you for your support! :)


Wow what a cliffhanger! :D Loved the demo!!! Does the digital key in kickstarter rewards also include a steam key or only for itch? Sorry if its supposed to be obvious or something. I really just prefer all of my games in one place. Thanks.

Glad you enjoyed! :D And our KS backers will be able to choose the platform they want to redeem the game on!


Thanks, I'll gladly back it then! :D


Woah I love this demo! I had to back it on kickstarter


Thank you for your support <3


NO WAY. I just finished my playthrough of Royal Alchemist and adored every second of it! This demo does not disappoint at all, super excited to learn more! And even more excited to throw more money at this dev team!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your support!


I'm so glad I finally decided to try the demo. The lis are very interesting (it's been a while since I liked a male li lol) and the ending... that was you call a cliffhanger! 

Glad you liked! :D


God I love this so much! All of the characters are amazing, and I really want to learn more about this world.


Thank you so much >w<


I am so excited!!! This looks so promising :)

Thank you! :D

(1 edit) (+1)



I expected a great game going in since I did play royal alchemist but damn 

Glad you enjoyed! <3


A very nice demo. The cliff-hanger widened my eyes and I cannot help but be hopeful for the finished game if it ever comes. Many are speaking of a previous game. I will seek it out.

Thank you! We've scheduled an extended demo for next year, and the full release for 2023😊

(1 edit) (+1)

THAT CLIFF-HANGER?????? I AM SCREAMING??? This game is way too good, I'm gonna throw my money at yall w/ my next paycheck--

(I didn't expect any less, I did buy Royal Alchemist, BUT STILL; In love with the game already)

-prepares to gently catch your $$$- //shoved out of window

Thank you for your support! We're happy you enjoyed the demo >w<


Wow!!!  Looks as good as the previous game!

The demo was great, so much content.  And that ending :ooooCan't wait til it's out.

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the demo :D


i would love to romance neri...




Underrated. Time to share with friends. A M A Z I N G

Thank you for sharing!!! <3 Glad you like the demo.

(1 edit) (+2)

i just finished playing the demo. Ahh it's so interesting already. I loved your previous game the Royal Alchemist. I can't wait to play the full game!

Thank you so much! :D


Uwah!! I love it! Bought your last game Royal Alchemist and loved it and had high expectations for this and this definitely doesn't disappoint! (人*´∀`)+゚:。*゚+ Looking forward to the full version, loved the art, it's so pretty and at times cute! Storyline is super interesting so far too!! The ending of the demo tho, ahh!! So excited for the full version! <3 I'm totally in love with it already!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing! We're glad you like this sequel so far too <3 <3


I saw the cover art and I was like damn he's pretty-

so here I am now downloading it

Beauty bait, success! Hope you enjoy uwub


Wow, I didn't expect the demo to be this long! A treat, really. I enjoyed the side quests and chibi illustrations a lot. I wish I could write as well! ;_; Looking forward to the full version!

Thank you so much! We're glad you enjoyed it ; v ; <3


Man, the demo was amazing! I've been wanting to return to the world of royal alchemist since I finished it! I was just curious, when is the expected release window?

Thank you so much!

We're planning to release an Extended Demo next year, and the full release is scheduled for the end of 2023 :D

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